Alice Falls Down the Rabbit Hole That Is 2020

We’re not in Wonderland anymore

Emery Schindler
5 min readDec 1, 2020

Down, down, down she fell. She worried she might never stop falling.

Until, without warning, her fall was over. She was not a bit hurt. Only frightened by what she saw as she rose to her feet.

ALICE: Oh my, everything is on fire.

She heard singing coming from all around her. She tried her best to follow the sound until she came across a curious looking creature perched in a curious looking tree.

ALICE: Why you’re a koala!

CHESHIRE KOALA: Cheshire Koala to be exact.

ALICE: Mr. Cheshire Koala, what happened here?

CHESHIRE KOALA: Well child, the world is on fire, you see.

ALICE: But why has no one fixed it? What about the animals? The environment?

CHESHIRE KOALA: Well there’s a global pandemic brewing, the Orange Faced Queen is in the process of getting impeached, there’s only so much the world can pay attention to at one time. Short attention spans, indeed.

